
Which Medical Term Means Procedure For Looking At The Skin?

This article covers the medical terminology of the integumentary arrangement. These terms will assistance with your study of atmospheric condition and diseases related to the skin, hair, and nails. Yous tin can use this list in your studies.

You will discover a list of give-and-take roots, and a few additional suffixes and prefixes related to the integumentary system. There will be terms related to those medical specialties that bargain with the skin.

There is also a list of integumentary structures, and procedures. Finally, there is a list of some diseases and conditions related to the integumentary system.

If you need a background on how medical terms are formed, read the article on Medical Terminology Nuts. Also, the article xi Rules for Irresolute Singular Terms to Plural Terms is a expert article for the use of singular and plural endings. And, equally ever, there is a review of suffixes and prefixes that can be used with whatever system.

Review of Prefixes

This section contains prefixes that are used for the medical terminology of most systems.

Prefixes are used at the kickoff of a word to alter or vary the significant of the word. When the prefixes are detached from a term, information technology is followed by a hyphen (-).

Prefixes Definition
a-, an- no, non, without, away
aut- self
brady- slow
dia- apart, through
terminate-, endo- within, within
exo- exterior of, without
epi- above
hyper- excessive
hypo- bereft
inter- betwixt
intra- centre
media- medium
medial- situated or pertaining to the eye
medi- middle
medio- within
normo- normal
per- through
peri- effectually
physio-, physi- related to nature or physiology
poly- many
pro- before, for, in front end of, from, in behalf of, on account of
re- back, again
retro- behind, back, backward
sub- under, below, beneath, in minor quantity, less than normal
syn-, sy-, syl-, sym- union or association
tachy- fast
trans- across, through, beyond, over
ultra- excess

Review of Suffixes

Beneath are some suffixes that can be used for the medical terminology of well-nigh systems. Suffixes are placed at the end of a discussion root or give-and-take role to change or vary the meaning.

Suffixes tin indicate a condition, disease or a procedure. When a suffix is written discrete it is preceded by a hyphen (-).

Suffixes Definition
-ac. -al, -ar, -ary Pertaining to
-ic Pertaining to, characteristics
-ose, -ous Pertaining to
-tic Pertaining to
-centesis surgical puncture as to aspirate or remove fluid
-cision process of cutting
-ectomy excision (surgical removal or cutting out)
-gram a cartoon or a written record
-graph production of a drawing, writing or recording
-graphy the procedure of recording
-ia condition
-ism status process, theory of, principle, method
-itis inflammation
-ologist ane who studies
-ology study of
-lysis procedure of loosening, freeing, or destroying
-opsy to view
-osis condition, status procedure
-otomy cutting into
-ostomy formation of an opening
-plasty surgical repair
-pathy disease
-sclerosis hardening
-scope instrument for viewing
-scopy visual exam with a lighted instrument
-sis country of, condition
-stasis to stand, place, stop, command
-stenosis narrowing
-tension pressure
-therapy treatment
-thoracic chest
-ule small

Word Root and Combining Vowel for the Integumentary System

This is a list of word roots with their combining vowel used for the integumentary organization.

Word Root Definition
Carcin(o) cancer
Cutane(o) skin
Cyan(o) blue
Dermat(o) skin
Derm(o) skin
Erythr(o) red
Kerat(o) horny
Lip(o) fat
Melan(o) black or melanin
Onych(o) nail
Seb(o) sebum, oil
Sud(o) sweat
Trich(o) hair
Ungu(o) boom
Vesic(o) float or blister

Integumentary Specific Suffixes and Prefixes

Term Definition
Carcin- cancer
Cryo-, cry- cold
Cut- skin
Cyan- blue
Cyst- pouch or bladder
-cyte cell
-derm skin
Dermat, derma pare
Epi- on or upon
Epiderm-, epidermo- epidermis
Fiss- cleft or divide
Kerat- horny
Melan-,mel- black
-oma tumor
Photo- light
-rrhea fluid discharge or period
Seb- sebum
Strati- layer

Integumentary Specialties

This is a list of the specialists that diagnose and treat conditions related to the integumentary organization.

Term Definition
Dermatology Derm(o) ways skin
-logy means the written report of.
A sectionalization of medicine that diagnoses and care for conditions of the skin, hair, and nails.
Dermatologist Derm(o) ways pare
-logist ways one who studies.
A physician specializing in the treatment of the skin and accessory structures.
Plastic Surgery A branch of medicine that treats conditions of the integumentary system
Plastic Surgeon A physician that repairs, improves and reconstructs damaged body structures.

The Construction and Functions of the Integumentary System

The integumentary system protects the body confronting pathogens, regulates body temperature, provides sensory input and synthesizes vitamin D.

The components of the integumentary system consist of the pare, pilus, and nails. Below is a listing of structures and functions of the integumentary arrangement.

Term Definition
Apocrine sweat gland The apocrine glands are a dermal sudoriferous (sweat) gland that secretes at the groin, armpits and anal region.
Cuticle Cuticula means little skin.
The cuticle is the sheath of the hair follicle.
Also, the fold of tissue that covers the blast root.
Dermis Derm- means skin.
The dermis is the layer of skin directly beneath the epidermis. This layer contains blood vessels (capillaries), nerve endings, sebaceous glands, hair follicles, elastic fibers, collagenous fibers, involuntary muscles, lymph vessels, and sweat glands.
Eccrine sweat glands The eccrine glands are sudoriferous (sweat) glands that secrete at the palms of the paw, feet, forehead and upper lip.
Epidermis Epi- means on or upon.
The epidermis is the top layer of the skin. The epidermis layer does non have blood vessels and does not contain nervus endings.
Hair Hair is a filament of keratin that grows from a follicle root and covers most of the body.
Hair follicle A hair follicle is an opening into the dermis which the hair shaft develops.
Hyponychium Hyponychial means subungual
Sub- means below or below.
Ungual means pertaining to the fingernail.
The hyponychium is the area where the nail body is fastened simply below the gratis edge.
Keratin Kerat- ways horny.
Keratin is a fibrous poly peptide that is the chief component of the epidermis, hair, and nails.
Lunula Luna- means moon.
The lunula is the opaque moon-shaped expanse at the base of operations of the nail.
Melanin Melan- ways black or melanin
Melanin is the black or nighttime brown pigment of pare or pilus.
Melanocytes Melan(o) ways black or melanin
-cyte mean cell.
A melanocytes is a jail cell that produces the dark pigment melanin.
Sebaceous glands Sebaceous pertains to sebum.
Sebaceous glands are oil glands. The sebaceous glands secrete oil called sebum.
Sebum Seb- means sebum.
Sebum is an oily secretion from the sebaceous gland that keeps the skin and hair from drying out.
Stratum corneum Strati- means layer.
Stratum is a uniformly thick layer.
Corneus ways horny or keratic.
The stratum corneum is the outer layer of the epidermis composed of dead skin cells that flake away.
Subcutaneous fascia Sub- means below or beneath
Cutting- means skin.
Cutaneous ways pertaining to the skin.
Subcutaneous means beneath the peel
Fascia is a fibrous connective membrane.
The subcutaneous fascia is the bottom layer of the pare. This layer is composed of connective and fat tissue.
Sudoriferous gland Sudo- means sweat
Sudoriferous glands are the sweat glands.

Procedures of the Integumentary System

Term Definition
Cryosurgery Cryo- means cold.
Cryosurgery is a surgery that uses subfreezing temperatures to destroy tissue. This procedure tin can be used to treat cancers or lesion of the skin.
Curettage Curette means to scoop.
Curettage is the scraping of tissue from a surface for microscopic examination.
Electrodesiccation Electro- ways electricity.
Desiccare means to dry up.
Electrodesiccation is a technique which destroys tissue by burning it with an electrical spark.
Facelift A surgery in which the skin of the confront is tightened and wrinkles and other signs of aging of the skin are eliminated.
A facelift is also known as a rhytidoplasty.
Rhytid- means contraction.
Plasty- means surgical repair.
Liposuction Lipo- means fat or adipose.
Suction means to depict or aspirate a liquid or semi-liquid.
Liposuction is the removal of adipose tissue with the utilise of a suction device.
Phototherapy Photo- means light.
Therapy is the handling of any disease.
Phototherapy is the treatment of a disorder using low-cal. Phototherapy tin can be used to treat pare conditions.
Punch biopsy A punch biopsy is the removal of living tissue for examination.
Skin graft A skin graft is when a portion of the skin is implanted to cover another expanse where the skin has been lost.

Skin Lesions, Diseases, and Conditions of the Integumentary System

Term Definition
Acne Acne is a disorder of the sebaceous glands and hair follicles in which pimples, cysts that are infected or abscesses occur.
Alopecia Baldness is the lack of hair due to conditions such as normal aging, skin disorders, anticancer medications, or endocrine disorders.
Boyfriend's line Beau's line is named for a French physician named Joseph Boyfriend.
Boyfriend'south line is a white line that occurs across the nails due to a transverse impression that is caused by illnesses such as malnutrition or thyroid dysfunctions.
Birthmarks Birthmarks are apartment areas of discoloration on the skin that are usually dark-brown or tan.
Carbuncle A carbuncle is a large area of staphylococcal infection appearing as clusters of deep abscesses.
Carcinoma Carcin- means cancer.
-oma means tumor.
-carcinoma means malignant tumor.
A carcinoma is a cancerous neoplasm composed of epithelial cells that invade surrounding tissue and metastasize to different areas of the body.
Cellulitis Cellular is consisting of cells.
-itis ways inflammation.
Cellulitis is a bacterial infection of the skin that is localized and characterized by heat, swelling, hurting and other signs of inflammation.
Clubbing Clubbing is an abnormal enlargement of the distal finish of the fingers and the angle of the smash is greater than 160 degrees where it meets the cuticle.
Crust A crust is a hard layer that is formed past the drying of torso fluids.
Cyanosis Cyan(o) means blue.
-osis means condition.
Cyanosis is a blueish tone to the skin. This is due to a decrease in the oxygenation to the tissue.
Cyst Cyst- means pouch or bladder
A cyst is a closed pouch under the peel that contains a fluid or a semisolid substance.
Dermatitis Dermato- means skin.
-itis means inflammation.
Dermatitis is inflammation of the skin.
Ecchymosis Ecchymosis is an area of blueish discoloration on the skin acquired by the spilling of blood into the subcutaneous tissue caused by some type of trauma to the area. Ecchymosis is also known as a bruise.
Eczema Eczema is dermatitis of unknown cause.
Erythema Erythem(o) means ruby
Erythema is a red color to the skin. This occurs when in that location is a rush of blood to the surface of the skin. Erythema is usually associated with a fever or some type of localized inflammation.
Fissure Fiss- means cleft or split up.
A scissure is a cleft or a groove of the skin.
Folliculitis Folliculitis is the inflammation of the hair follicle.
Freckle Freckles are patches of melanin pigmentation that occur ordinarily or when the pare is exposed to the sun in some patients.
Furuncle A furuncle is a staphylococcal infection that originates from the pilus follicle.
Hemangioma Hemangi- means a condition of the blood vessel or a collection of blood vessels.
-oma means tumor.
A hemangioma is a beneficial tumor that is a drove of blood vessels.
Hematoma Hemat(o) means blood or blood vessel.
-oma means tumor.
A hematoma is a collection of blood that is trapped in the pare tissue that is a result of trauma.
Herpes Simplex Herpes Simplex is an infection that is acquired by the herpes simplex virus that affects the pare and nervous organization.
Jaundice Jaundice is a yellowish tint to the skin, mucous membranes or the sclera of the middle. This is due to increased levels of serum bilirubin in the blood.
Keloid Kel- is a tumor or fibrous growth.
A keloid is an overgrowth of scar tissue subsequently an injury or surgery.
Keratosis (Actinic) Actinic means ray or radiation.
Keratosis is an surface area of the skin that is overgrown or thickened.
Actinic keratosis is thickening of the outer layer of the pare caused by prolonged exposure to sunlight.
Macule A macule is a discoloration of the skin that is flat and level with the peel.
Melanoma Melan(o) pertains to melanocytes.
-oma means tumor.
A melanoma is a malignant neoplasm of the skin that is composed of melanocytes.
Mole Moles are an excessive growth of melanocytes. They are unremarkably small, smooth and symmetrical.
Nodule Nod- means knot.
A nodule is a pocket-sized node-like structure that is solid and elevated.
Onycholysis Onych(o) means the nail.
-lysis is the process of loosening.
Onycholysis is the loosening or separation of a nail from its bed.
Pallor Pallor is when at that place is a loss of the pink tones of the skin due to the lack of blood menstruation to the surface of the skin or a decrease in blood cells. The peel takes on a whitish color.
Papule A papule is a peel lesion that is minor, solid and raised caused by thickening of the epidermis.
Petechiae Petechiae are tiny cherry-red or majestic spots on the skin that are due to numerous tiny hemorrhages in the dermal layer.
Pruritus Pruritus is itchy skin.
Psoriasis Psoriasis is a skin disorder that is chronic and is characterized past scarlet patchy areas that is also covered by a dry argent scale.
Purpura Prupur- means imperial.
Purpura is a bleeding disorder that is due to hemorrhage into the tissue of the skin which causes ecchymosis or petechiae.
Pustule A pustule is a pocket-size elevation on the skin that contains pus, a creamy mucilaginous fluid.
Scale A calibration is a thin flake of epithelium that has keratinized.
Scar tissue Scar tissue is pare that is replaced by collagen fibers that practise not comprise whatsoever accessory organs that the layers of the pare usually contain.
Seborrhea Seb- ways sebum.
-rrhea means fluid discharge or catamenia.
Seborrhea is an overproduction of sebum which causes excessive oiliness.
Ulcer An ulcer is a crater in the skin every bit a result of necrosis. An ulcer can exist shallow or deep and can be accompanied by an infection or inflammation.
Urticaria Urticaria is a peel eruption that has wheals of various shapes that take ruddy margins and a pale centre.
Vesicle Vesic(o) means bladder or cicatrice.
A vesicle is a small bladder or blister that contains a clear fluid.
Vitiligo Vitiligo is a skin disease of unknown caused that is benign and characterized past irregular patches of skin that lack paint.
Wheal A wheal is an area of the peel that is slightly raised and appears either redder or paler than the surrounding skin.


Mosby's Medical Dictionary (2017). 10th ed. St Louis, MO. Elsevier Inc.

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