
quotes by floyd mayweather

Floyd Mayweather pose

Floyd Mayweather Quotes

Dream Chasing

"When I was most eight or 9, I lived in New Jersey with my female parent and we were seven deep in one bedroom and sometimes we didn't have electricity."

"I've had boxing gloves on since before I could walk and been in gyms all of my life."

"I think my grandmother saw my potential first. When I was young, I told her, 'I recollect I should get a job.' She said, 'No, merely go on battle'"

"I would prevarication in bed, and I was ix years onetime, and say to myself: 'I want to be the richest homo in the world.' I've come up a long mode from there."

"You know, every bit a young child, I lay in my sleeping accommodation and I swore to myself and so: 'I'1000 not going to fume and I'k non going to beverage.' And I said I'm non going to merely say that when I'm a kid. I'm going to stick to that equally an developed. I keep that in mind my whole life."

"When people see what I have now, they have no idea of where I came from and how I didn't have anything growing upwards."

Young Floyd Mayweather in boxing ring

Floyd Mayweather was ambitious from a young age

Being The All-time

"I am the best. There is nobody better than me."

"They call back they're good, I know I'm great"

"I desire to be able to split the average from the good and from the great. I want to separate the ordinary from the extraordinary."

Champion'south Mindset

"A true gnaw can adapt to annihilation"

"I don't fold nether pressure level, groovy athletes perform better nether pressure so put force per unit area on me."

"Well, yous've got certain obstacles that arrive your manner throughout your career, but you lot have to be a strong individual."

"I push button myself to the limit; I always put my battle starting time."

"Yous can never overlook a guy"

"Fame is cool but I believe in success."

"A lot of times, in the beginning of my career, I put pressure level on myself but because I wanted to perform and so well. I just wanted to be perfect."

"I'm not in this sport to say some other guy can beat me".

" To exist the best yous've got to work overtime."

"Once I am in the squared circle, I am in my abode"

"I'one thousand a 1 man army, the world could get against me and I will withal come out on superlative, I got God on my side."

"What advice do I have for immature and up and coming fighters or young up and coming athletes? Have tunnel vision. Stop reading your press articles; when they go to maxim, 'Y'all're the next Dr. J.', or 'You're the next Michael Jordan, or 'You're the next' this guy or that guy. Focus on staying in your lane and being the beginning of whoever you are."

Floyd Mayweather with boxing gloves in his boxing gym

Dealing With Life

"Tough times don't terminal, tough people do"

"If anyone has followed my career, they know that there's been a lot of obstacles and a lot of ups and downwardly through my career. But day in and day out, and in the foursquare circle, I went out there and always did my best."

"I come up from a very crude background, and I'm proverb that if you work difficult and dedicate yourself that you can make information technology, also."

"I know where I'm going and I know the truth, and I don't take to exist what you want me to be. I'm costless to exist what I want."

"Boxing is real easy. Life is much harder."

"You have skillful days, you have bad days. Simply the principal thing is to grow mentally."

"I would rather work and have coin and no social life than be broke and hang with the aforementioned people that was doing the same thing last twelvemonth."

"There comes a time where coin doesn't matter."

"Don't ever know who yous may run across, or just because a person may not be dressed up all fancy, don't mean they're not an of import person. You only don't ever know who you're gonna come across in life. So that'due south why I await at everybody as equal. Tin can't only judge. I care for everybody with respect. Every man."

"Hard work and dedication."

"If yous piece of work good, you're gonna become paid very well for it. Simple as that. That's how life goes. If you work difficult, yous're gonna become skillful results. If you bullshit, yous're gonna exist at the bottom with a agglomeration of people that'south at the bottom."

"Your body is your temple, you practise your trunk good information technology does you practiced."

"Everybody is blessed with a certain talent. Yous have to know what that talent is.. you accept you maximize it and push it to the limit."

"I'g always focused."

Floyd Mayweather shadow boxing training

Floyd was known for his commitment to training


"I believe in my skills. I believe in my talent. If no one believes in Floyd Mayweather, I believe in me."

"All work is piece of cake piece of work."

"I own't never nervous. Never nervous."

"You know me. I'm running my oral cavity a lot, and I'm looking for a guy to shut me up. If you lot don't shut me up, I'm going to keep running my oral fissure. Nobody tin beat me. There is no way to vanquish me."

Battle Politics

"You've got to take a villain and they'll always make me a villain. I'm used to information technology – information technology makes me work harder and it makes me fight harder."

"It'south about having personality…It's not about being the bad guy, it'due south about entertaining people."

"I'm looking to expand my portfolio while I'g on top while I'thou young."

The Sweet Science

"I'm a boxer who believes that the object of the sport is to hit and not get hit."

"There'south no blueprint on how to crush me."

"He tin can have centre, he can hit harder and he can be stronger, but there's no fighter mentally smarter than me."

"If you lot fight angry, you make mistakes, and when yous fight a sharp witty fighter like me, you tin can't make mistakes."

"I don't suit my training for whatsoever of my opponents. I don't sentinel films on my opponents."

Floyd Mayweather points to head at press conference

Mayweather valued listen over matter

On Criticism

"You hear sure things, negative things, all the fourth dimension that aren't truthful, but you never hear well-nigh the positive."

"For those who pay to run across me lose…go along paying. To those who pay to see me win…continue paying."

"Everything people say I couldn't do, I've washed."

"Promote what y'all love instead of bashing what you detest."

"Almost people should exist talking about how Floyd Mayweather is a swell undefeated future hall of famer that's his ain promoter and that works extremely difficult to become to where he's at. Instead, all you hear is hate and jealous remarks from critics who criticize me and, y'all know, most of the time, the people that criticize me can't practice what I can do."

"What'due south so crazy is when you give interviews to reporters that don't really care also much for yous, basically what they're going to do is write what they desire to write and ignominy you. They're going to write and say what they want to say, no matter what you tell them."

"People have said things about me, and wrote and criticized me nigh things in the by, merely information technology goes in one ear and out the other."

Floyd Mayweather has his hands wrapped by Garcia

There were tensions between Mayweather and the media at times

Lasting Legacy

"I want to be the all-time, not simply the best fighter, I want to be the all-time athlete, menses. When I leave, I will be known as TBE, and that's The Best Ever."

"You know, everybody has a slogan, and one time y'all beat people over the head with it so much, then that's what yous'll eventually be called once you retire from the sport or whatsoever."

"I loved competing and winning. I also wanted to continue my career for the fans, knowing they were there for me and enjoyed watching me fight."

"The Coin Team has nothing to do with money. It'south the way you live, information technology'south the way you experience. Even if you're a thousandaire and you lot feel like a millionaire, you with the Money Team. If you're a millionaire that experience similar a billionaire, yous with the Money Team. If you don't take no money at all but you lot rich in your heart, you're with the Coin Team."

Floyd Mayweather celebrates a win with his championship belts and the rest of his team

The rex of TMT will be remembered as TBE


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